Dear Jazzercise and aerobic leaders, Jazzercise and aerobic-loving people

I'd like to express my deep thanks to the leaders and people who have devoted themselves to the spread of jazzercise and aerobic worldwide.
Jazzcise and aerobic, on the basis of rapid and light movement, are appropriate sports to help increase the function of heart, lung and physical power as well as to balance body and control weight. They are being loved much by many because they are the sports everybody can enjoy even in a small space.
I think that thanks to jazzercise and aerobic leaders' unsparing dedication to them, nowadays they have come to settle down firmly, gaining a fruitful result.
In this point, I'd like to give my heart-felt thanks to the leaders and the members who have endeavored to promote nations' health and make it a vital energy in our society.
Anyway, I really hope that your dedication will contribute to making them much more developed and spread worldwide.

Lastly, I wish peace and happiness will be with you and your family as always.

Thanks you.

International Jazzercise and Aerobic Federation

President/Ph. D of sports, Eun-ju, Yang